OK, so yes, I have been known to be a bit impatient at times, guilty as charged. I’m also a bit of a tinkerer and thanks to OpenROV builds have a very basic understanding of making things with acrylic, which can be a very dangerous combination. On this occasion, my impatience and tinkering found itself focused on making a housing… Read more →
Join me for the Stella Video Light Challenge!
First, a little background. I shoot a number of trade shows annually both local and international. They range in subject matter from New Mobility at IAA (future of smart cities and automotive in Frankfurt) to CES (consumer electronics in Las Vegas) to the Detroit auto show and World Mobile Congress in Barcelona. I’m currently packing up to go work DEMA… Read more →
OpenROV, Seastar Wasting, Citizen Science and DiverLaura on CBS This Morning!!!
Seastar Wasting Syndrome awareness continues to be the gift that keeps on giving! Check out our story on CBS This Morning, with David Lange and Eric Stackpole discussing OpenROV and Citizen Science! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/underwater-drones-openrov-trident-citizen-scientists-exploration/ Read more →
What’s in my 360VR shooting support kit
So you’ve got the GoPros and the array, and you are absolutely jonesing to use it every chance you possibly can. Or perhaps a Theta S or Samsung Gear360 or two. But that is only the beginning, what happens when the cards are full, the batteries are drained and that sunset is just a short drive away and you… Read more →
Underwater 360 video journey, cont.
What a ride the 360 “spherical” video medium has been… I knew it would be awesome, but at no point did I realize the amazing family / community I would be adopted into by starting down this path. Although I wouldn’t consider myself one of the bleeding edge folks, the insanely early adopters, I was lucky enough to get out… Read more →
Beast grip for iPhone
As usual a bit remiss in my blogging, but I promise, at some point down the road, you my fine reader will reap the benefits of my absence 🙂 Today’s topic, a very quick overview of Beast grip pro universal phone cage/DOF lens mount/accessory attachment device. Why on earth, with all the beautiful camera systems that I already own, would… Read more →
My Dad and Pokemon Go!
I always say my dad is 80-something years young. He’s amazing, brilliant, wicked quick wit and always intensely curious and interested in the world around him, be it technology, people, current events, you name it! To help him feel involved and part of what I’m doing, I regularly share whatever it is I’m up to, be it learning to shoot… Read more →
Daily list
Today’s list: Did Pilates Washed dog (singular) Washed dog beds (plural) Found Triple-clamp Edited more Sustainability Talk videos Started website copywriting and design structure for client Pestered friends on FB with random post about AMA and gun violence research Tested lighting ideas for Underwater 360video (will post results soon) Figured out that I could use Preview for a batch… Read more →
My 360 Journey #2
Next bit of learning… The only way to shoot more professional 360 video UNDERWATER with a pile of GoPro’s (six to be exact) is to make sure you get versions that have Protune option in setup. The ability to manually set exposure and color so that it does NOT auto correct is key to a good stitch. Don’t let anyone… Read more →
My 360VR Journey
Last year, in addition to all my other video shenanigans, I became a bit obsessed with VR and utilizing it to tell a more immersive story about the underwater world of our precious Emerald Sea. There were some hold ups, though, technology is still kind of on the bleeding edge, both from a content production aspect and a consuming point… Read more →