The more things change

The more things change, the more they stay the same. One of the first groups in filmmaking to push back on 360 video happened to be directors.  Filmmakers who  pride themselves on being able to tell exquisite visual stories and do not want the audience messing it up by looking around.  We (the evangelists) pooh pooh’d this and said “if… Read more →

Controlling multiple Samsung GearVR headsets

The HMD (Head Mounted Display example: GearVR) has long been a conundrum for people like me.  I want to do gear demos, i want to share 360 video with more people, but handing a bunch of headsets (phone based or stand alone) to the un-initated can get a bit chaotic. Generally speaking there are a few ways to handle this… Read more →

Sync is King

Sync is King It does not matter if you are shooting with 2 Kodak Pixpros, 4 Sony A7s2’s or 30 GoPro’s when it  comes to stitching said footage, your experience and output will be marginal at best if you can’t achieve sync. Let me back up a moment. What do I mean by sync?  If you are not using a… Read more →

HTC Vive on 2012 Mac Pro

UPDATE:  If you read nothing else i’ve posted, here is the trick i keep forgetting.   The number one thing i keep forgetting when i’ve had to reinstall etc.. is to enable the beta mode. Go to library -> tools -> SteamVR -> properties -> BETAS -> select the beta and then hit close. That has allowed me to run… Read more →

High Sierra headaches

As of December 25, 2017, my recommendation is this: Do not update to High Sierra, even on ‘approved’ legacy systems it can wreak endless amounts of near catastrophic issues (or catastrophic if you have no background in computer support and/or don’t backup your system regularly) that can and will slurp up hours of your time just trying to get your… Read more →

Kodak Pixpro Orbit in Mexico

Recently I had the awesome opportunity to head to Baja for work. Due to my penchant for testing out gear and constantly trying new things so that I can find the best entry level kit for a project that we are hoping to kick off shortly (stay tuned, I promise it will be pure awesomeness) I’ve been using the Kodak… Read more →

Adventures in Live Streaming 360video underwater with consumer cameras

When it comes to communicating from the underwater world, video is #1. Yes, I’ll agree that photos are more readily consumed, just a click, no slow internet lagging, etc… but to really share the experience, video rules supreme. The next step in this, for a more immersive experience is of course 360 “spherical” video. The world of UW 360 video… Read more →

DIY Samsung Gear360 housing

Filmed with Samsung Gear360 in DIY housing. So you want to take your Samsung Gear360 underwater, and if you are like me you have been woefully disappointed by the options for getting these little consumer 360 video cameras underwater.   The Samsung Gear360 does a nice job for topside so i figured what the heck.  (and when i say underwater,… Read more →

Continued adventures in underwater 360 video

It is never ending, and I’m quite sure you my fine readers are either tuning in because your actually curious about pursuing some 360 video creation of your own and want to learn from my mistakes or you simply can’t take your eyes off an impending train wreck (aka things like me fabricating my own interface disks out of acrylic… Read more →

Samsung Gear360 DIY housing cont

Tests tests tests… The proof of the pudding, as the old adage goes… That pretty first gasket? no joy. The most tenuous moment for any housing is the first foot of water, be it Puget Sound on in bucket in the bathtub. Next try (that I knew would likely only work to 10′) was the beautiful orange O-Rings that came… Read more →